Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Personal Paradigm Shift

When I was 19, I had a life changing experience that affected my perspective on the world. It was around Christmastime that my grandfather Ken passed way after spending four days in a coma. He had fallen in the upstairs library and hit his head on the marble table. It was sudden and traumatic. No one told my dad (it was his father) that he had passed for almost a week after it happened. Apparently, because of things my dad had done in his adolescence, we (he & his family) did not deserve the information. The “things” my dad had done includes lightheartedly making fun of his older sister throughout childhood, being a liberal and overall being human. My dad was always the black sheep in the family but he did not deserve that and it changed my view on people. No one is sorry. I have not seen or spoken to grandmother in almost three years. She does not care, though so I suppose it’s ok. I called my aunt the C-word to her face. She said horrible things, too but no one cares about that. My dad tries to laugh about it but I still cry about it. 

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